
Our 2025 Lawrence Family Reunion is less than four weeks away.  We have what the committee believes is a great schedule of events for our “virtual” family reunion weekend.  Click the link below to view the schedule for the weekend.  There might be some last minute modifications but the events and time-frames are set.

LFR Weekend Itinerary

Please use the links below to register and pay online for the 2025 Lawrence Family Reunion.  Just “download the registration form below, complete it and email” to the LFR 2025 committee.

LFR 2025 Registration Form Download

If you prefer, you can also send your payment and registration information to the mailing address on the “Contacts” page.


To support our scholarship, we will also be hosting a raffle this year – the prizes are two TVs and assorted gift cards. Raffle ticket prices are 1 for $3 and 2 for $5. All raffle proceeds will go towards the Lawrence Family Reunion scholarship. Of course, donations are accepted to support our LFR 2025 scholarship. Your donations and raffle funds may be sent to the Scholarship Committee via the PayPal Account (See Link Below), CashApp: $LFReunion, or mailed to Lawrence Family Reunion, 3801 Northridge Drive, Brandon, Florida 33596.

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